Voter Protection or Voter Suppression?

Voters are being disenfranchised in record numbers in recent years, as tactics for voter suppression have proliferated.  The 2020 election revealed how hard party and state officials are working to undermine confidence in our electoral process. While electoral dysfunction persists, laws aimed at suppressing voters are proliferating since Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act was gutted.  Since then, 22 states have enacted laws making it harder for people to vote. 

Of course, some disenfranchisement is unintentional, as rules vary from state to state and are confusing. Moreover, many poll workers are hard-working, dedicated people who care deeply, but there are a handful of partisan or incompetent people that are mucking things up. To add to the problem, a lot of the election equipment is old and prone to tampering. With so much misinformation and intimidation, it’s time to demand changes that protect every American’s sacred right to vote. We must be vigilant.

We believe it’s time for a complete overhaul and a Constitutional Amendment to protect every American’s right to vote. 

Recap of 2012 Voting Problems

Recap of 2006 Voting Problems